The Strathcarron Singers

The choir of Strathcarron Hospice


Last updated: 11th of July, 2024

About the Strathcarron Singers

In September 2004 Molly Parsons MBE, the first Matron of Strathcarron Hospice fulfilled a long-held ambition to form a choir. Although there were only 7 singers at the first rehearsal the choir grew rapidly and today stands at around 45 members who enjoy singing for fun.

The choir is open to everyone who enjoys singing and many of the members are associated with the Hospice - as current or former staff members, spouses or partners.

Everyone gives their time freely and to date the choir has given many public performances to a wide range of organisations, raising approximately £170,000 and rising for Strathcarron Hospice.

The choir is also an excellent social network for keeping in touch with old friends.


Our 20th Anniversary Celebration Concert was held in The Albert Halls Stirling on May 12th.

Our programme of Musical Highlights taken from over 20 years of performing proved to be very popular with the audience and the choir who Christened it “Our Greatest Hits Concert”.

The Central Band of the Royal British Legion, Scotland conducted by Stephen Duncan were terrific as was our young Cellist Magnus Holden from Falkirk.

We closed the first half singing Highland Cathedral with the RBL Band and the Finale was again a combined item in which we sang Sir John Rutter’s amazing arrangement of When the Saints go Marching In. A wonderful, uplifting experience !

We raised £3750.00 which will be donated to Strathcarron Hospice.

On June 23rd, the choir were invited to lead the praise at The Royal Highland Show Sunday Service. It meant an early start but everyone agreed it was a great day out. As you will see from the picture we nearly bought “A Brand New Combine Harvester”.

Our performances are available on Facebook and YouTube where there is a link to enable you to donate NB Feel free to choose how much you want to give by using the box for "Other Amounts".

You can also donate directly to the choir by bank transfer. All donations go to Strathcarron Hospice but this allows us to monitor how much comes from the choir's activities.

  • Strathcarrron Singers
  • Sort Code: 801248
  • Account Number: 06001711

Here is a link to our latest recording of “As Long As I Have Music".

If you would like to join us please look at the contacts page on this website. We welcome new members who enjoy singing.

Latest Concert Information - see Diary page